WHAT ARE BRAIN FOODS?

Hello friends,
Greetings of the day!
what is brain foods
what are brain foods

Today I am writing about brain foods.
Brain foods are the foods that as very essential to improve our brain functions naturally. In my previous blog, I wrote about some natural ways of improving brain functions.

These foods do not only help in brain function but they keep us healthy too.

There are so many foods available in our surroundings but here you will get the best out of them.

                         TOP BRAIN FOODS                                 

1. Walnut:- 

brain foods benefits
Walnut benefits
Walnut is very important for the brain. It can improve our cognitive health. Its high level of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals improve mental alertness. Vitamin E of nuts can also ward off Alzheimer's disease. It contains nutrients that help in protecting our brain from damaging and it supports good brain function as we age.
It also helps in lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of cancer.


We all are familiar with turmeric. Every day we see it in our kitchen
turmeric benefits
benefits of turmeric
and use it directly or indirectly. Its high level of antioxidant destroy the free radicals in the body, which damages the cell. It helps in treating arthritis, joint pain, inflation. Researches have shown a great power compound in the turmeric which repairs in the stem cell of the brain. Stem cell helps in improving memory and recovering from Alzheimer's disease
Its antioxidants keep our immune system healthy. It also helps the brain's oxygen intake, keeps us alert and able to process information.

3.Salmon Fish:- 

benefits of eating salmon
Salmon Fish benefits
 Salmon fish is full of OMEGA 3 fatty acid. It helps in keeping our brain healthy and running smoothly. Giving salmon to kids can help in preventing ADHD by improving their focus and concentration. If we are feeling difficulties in recalling or remembering something? have salmon regularly. It helps in sharpen our brain and improve our memory retention. The fatty acid of salmon can also help in preventing cancer and kill tumors. It also lowers the blood pressure

4.Green leafy vegetables:- 

benefits of green leafy vegetables
Green leafy vegetable benefits
Whenever we think about the health we think about green vegetables. Green leafy vegetables have lots of vitamin A and vitamin K, these vitamins fight with inflammation and keep bones strong. It helps in keeping low mental deterioration, improve memory power, It reduces the risk of cognitive impairments or dementia. Apart from this other benefits are:-
Improving digestive health, maintaining weak eyesight, balancing cholesterol, improving energy levels, for youthful skin, fighting anemia, etc.

5.Egg Yolks:-

egg and egg yolk benefits
Benefits of egg yolks

We have heard from many sources about the benefit of having eggs in our daily diet. Egg gives us a lot of benefits. Egg contains Yolk and yolk has a large amount of choline which helps in fetal development for a pregnant woman as well as it develops the brain. It has choline, B1, and Vitamin D, they all are boon for the brain functions. It also produces a chemical that helps us to improve our happiness level. 

6. Dark Chocolate:- 

what is the benefits of chocolates
Dark chocolate benefits
Dark chocolate is loaded with nutrients that will affect positively our health and brain. Dark chocolates have antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Chocolates are prepared from cocoa which is one of the best sources of antioxidants on the earth.
It helps to lower blood pressure, lower the risk of heart disease, improve the quality of skin and protect it from the sun and improve blood circulation to both brain and heart. Cocoa contains stimulants like caffeine and theobromine which helps in blood flow to the brain and improve brain function in the short term.

7.Coconut or Coconut oil:-                                

coconut and coconut oil benefits
Coconut benefits

Coconut and coconut oil are good brain foods. The coconut oil has a chemical (MCTs) that breaks down into ketones, and these ketones work as a fuel for the brain. Generally, the brain takes glucose for energy. But ketones provides extra fuels that allow brain function better. It helps in memory loss problem and stops our brain cell from being aged. Coconut can also help in treating some brain disorder like Alzheimer's
Apart from this coconut is basically known for burning fat and strengthen teeth.


broccoli benefits for brain
broccoli benefits
 Broccoli is loaded with vitamin K, vitamin C. It is a good source of folic acid and it also provides potassium, fiber. Broccoli forms body tissue and bones. It is a powerful antioxidant and protects our body from damaging free radicals. Broccoli has two crucial nutrients vitamin K and choline that help us to improve our cognitive ability and sharpen the memory power.
                                 Apart from this, it fights with cancer, heart                                         disease, and eyesight problems

9.Blue Berries:- 

blueberries brain food
benefits of blueberries

Blueberries, it is one of the highest antioxidants rich food. We have always heard" the Smallest thing which has the biggest impacts". Blueberry is a good example of it. It is loaded with vitamin C, K, and fiber, they support our brain functions and health. It is full of gallic acid, which is especially good at protecting our brain from degradation and stress. It improves our cognitive ability and blood flow in the brain. Blueberries lower risk of cardiovascular disease and also some form of cancer. It keeps our skin, bones fit and healthy always.


Beet is popular for its health benefits.                                               
beets benefits for brain
beets benefits

Beetroot has the highest nitrate. When it is consumed these nitrate converted to nitric oxide which helps in lower the blood pressure and increases the blood flow to the brain, especially a region which works with motor control, cognitive function, emotion, and other brain functions. It helps in mental performance. Beet also boosts muscle power and have a good effect on metabolism.       


benefits of almonds
Almonds benefits
Almonds are famous with the name of "BADAM". Almonds are rich in Vitamins, minerals, dietic fiber, monounsaturated fat. Its benefits are endless. Researches have shown that almonds contain riboflavin and L-Carnitine nutrients which helps in the growth of brain cells. It also contains brain-boosting chemical (phenylalanine) which helps in cognitive functions. It also helps in boosting memory power, recalling power.
Apart from these benefits of these ALMONDS helps in:-

Lower cholesterol level,  prevent cancer, boosting energy level, strengthens bones and teeth, fighting with anemia, maintaining weight, Nerves, and muscles, increase metabolism, increase physical and mental alertness, Skincare, growth strengthen and nourish hair, etc.


Nowadays tomatoes are considered as the most popular vegetables
behind Potatoes and onions in the vegetable market.  

benefits of eating tomato
Benefits of tomato
Tomatoes are a good source of vitamin C and antioxidants. Tomatoes have lots of benefits for our health and brain.
It reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. It helps in skin and hair problems, controlling obesity, constipation, eye problems, strengthens bones, digestion, improving immunity and increasing energy level.
Tomato contains lycopene, it is a nutrient that protects vital brain fat and stops the building of pro-inflammatory compounds. This compound is responsible for lowering the mood. It also contains
folate and magnesium which helps in enhancing mood.

I hope you would like to add these foods to your daily life.

                                                           Thank you                                                                                     


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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